Russian Orthodox church in Alaska.

Safety Savings Account

The value of proper safety equipment is priceless. That’s why we started the Safety Savings Account – to help you provide your employees with the safety equipment they need to protect themselves from on-the-job injuries.

The Safety Savings Account Program is fully funded by the AMLJIA. Each entity’s allocated amount is based on their annual contribution. All current members receive a minimum of $250 in their account at the beginning of each fiscal year. Any money remaining in a member’s account at the end of the fiscal year rolls over to the next year, provided that membership with the AMLJIA is continued.

Each member’s Safety Savings Account is held and administered by the AMLJIA.

This money is to be used for purchasing safety related products. An AMLJIA loss control professional will review each order for program compliance.

If a member’s order exceeds the balance in their Safety Savings Account, the member will be responsible for that additional amount. The AMLJIA will release the funds when we receive a check from the member for the uncovered portion of the order, or when the member adjusts the order to an amount within their account balance.

Safety equipment may be purchased from the vendor of your choice. The Safety Savings Account is your money, and we encourage you to shop for the best price for the supplies you need. Some vendors you may try include:

  • Airgas, 907-562-2080
  • Alaska Safety, 907-561-5661,
  • Matheson Tri-Gas, 907-563-6644
  • Grainger, 907-562-5400,
  • Young’s Firehouse, 800-478-5312
  • Warning Lites of Alaska, Inc., 907-562-2124,

Once approved, the member may pay for the product and submit proof of purchase to the AMLJIA for reimbursement. The AMLJIA can also send payment directly to the vendor if requested by the member, and if the order has been pre-approved.

Members may receive funds directly from the AMLJIA on a reimbursement basis only, and in accordance with the Program Description and Ordering Procedures.

If you have any questions concerning the use of your Safety Savings Account, contact your Risk Control Specialist at 800-337-3682 or .